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Inaugural AI Tinkerer Meetup - July 13th 2023

This event happened in the past.
Thursday, July 13th, 2023
220 Victoria Dr # 170
Vancouver, BC, CA Directions...

This event happened in the past.

Join us to meet fellow AI Tinkerers in Vancouver

The AI Tinkerer meetup format has seen overwhelming success in San Francisco and Seattle, with events limited to 200 and 50 people respectively being oversubscribed. is expanding to Vancouver with it’s inaugaral meetup set for the first week in June.

Have you been playing around with BabyAGI, AutoGPT, or Langchain? Come share what you’ve been building with other like minded individuals.

This event is designed for technical, machine learning, and entrepreneurial professionals who are committed to building LLM-enabled applications. Come network with like-minded individuals and hear from industry experts as they discuss the latest advancements in LLM technology.

Lightning Talks

If you would like to demo something you’re working on, please send a brief description to [email protected] - please use the same email as your RSVP

Please RSVP

Space is very limited, so please RSVP as soon as possible.

Venue Details

Address: 220 Victoria Dr # 170, Vancouver, BC V5L 0C7 Light refreshments will be provided!

Contact AI Tinkerers - Vancouver